
Enhance Your Appearance with Lip Fillers

Lips are an important part of any woman’s face and they are one of the features that others notice almost immediately. Fillers can be used to enhance and reshape your lips to improve your appearance. The goal of using fillers is to improve your lip’s features without creating an unnatural distortion.

Lip Filler is the #1 Injectable Cosmetic Procedure

Lip injections are popular! In fact, lip filler is the number one injectable cosmetic procedure performed at our dermatology offices. The procedure uses a hyaluronic acid (HA) based filler injected into the lip to increase volume and size. Fillers most commonly used for lips are Juvéderm, Juvéderm Ultra, Juvéderm Ultra Plus, Juvéderm Volbella, Restylane and Restylane Silk. These fillers work by not only plumping the lip directly but also by trapping water within the lips for a natural, enviable pout. Side effects of hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and should only last a few days. They may include bleeding from the injection sites, swelling and bruising.

One syringe of hyaluronic acid filler is usually the right amount for most women to start with but some patients will desire more. A syringe of filler costs about $600-700.00 depending on the product utilized. Believe it or not, the process of lip filler injections can be almost pain free. A topical anesthetic (numbing) cream is used before any injecting begins, and the injection itself is done using an exceptionally fine needle.

Beauty that Lasts!

Results last anywhere from 6 months to three years depending on how much filler is used, your metabolism and the amount of plumpness you desire. It is like filling up your car with gasoline: some like to keep the tank full or almost full where others are content to let the tank almost become empty before refilling. Fillers can be used to keep your lips full at all times or they can be used less frequently “when the tank is almost empty”.

Caring for your lips after dermal filler is an important step in seeing the best possible results. Your nurse will discuss all of the post-care guidelines during your consultation to ensure you have a safe and effective treatment. You will be provided some ice to help reduce the amount of normal swelling that occurs. In addition to icing immediately after the procedure, you will ice your lips the night after your injections as well. Fullness and swelling immediately after the procedure does not represent the final result. This extreme swelling will settle after several days.

Lip Filler Injections before after Arkansas Dermatology

We normally set a two-week follow-up visit at which time we will assess results, look at pre- and post-op pictures and make sure there are no distortions that may need a small touch up injection. It's best to schedule lip filler at least 7 days before any important event where you want your lips to look their best. We recommend that you retreat to a calm environment immediately after injection. Heavy exercise or physical activity is discouraged for 24 hours. Wearing normal lipstick or makeup is encouraged. For most patients massaging is discouraged unless you have been specifically directed to do so by your injector.

Bruising is variable and a lucky few will not see any bruising from the injections. Be sure to let your injector know if you are on prescription or over-the-counter medications that can cause blood thinning and make bruising more likely. We recommend you discontinue aspirin and ibuprofen 5 days prior to the lip filler procedure.

If you are intrigued about lip fillers and are interested in learning more, call us today to schedule a consultation.